Back to school – for adults too!

September is often a month that evokes back to school for students, with images of backpacks, lunches and yellow school buses. With a growing number of adults returning to school in recent years, the extra lunch is headed with a parent to a classroom instead of a...

Back-to-school jitters, anxiety and school phobia

Backpacks, lunchbags, pencil cases and notebooks are part of the traditional purchase pattern of the back-to-school ritual at the end of each summer.  Older students include new technology like smartphones, tablets and laptops to assist in academic tasks. From...

Why Certain Video Games Make Kids Smarter

Ask any young person, parent or teacher if they have had a discussion on this topic and the chances of them saying yes is very high. That is because in every generation there is a hot button topic that fires one set of minds against another: two generations ago it was...