Teen girls and volunteering

Why are teen girls more likely to volunteer? Visit any fundraising event, sporting event, social or cultural event and the number of girls volunteering far outpaces the guys. Is this because girls are more social than boys? Have different motivational reasons? Are...

Is your teen disengaged from high school?

Why alternatives are on the rise to a system that isn’t changing fast enough Our high school system still values “book smarts” while our society thrives on creativity and innovation. Have you heard an adolescent express how useless school is to them? Why adults keep...

How to Interpret the School Year’s First Report Card

Is your child bringing home the first report card from Junior Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4, grade 7 or grade 9? Perhaps from college or university, if you are lucky enough to have an adult child share their results with you? There are several benchmark years in the...

Back-to-school jitters, anxiety and school phobia

Backpacks, lunchbags, pencil cases and notebooks are part of the traditional purchase pattern of the back-to-school ritual at the end of each summer. Older students include new technology like smartphones, tablets and laptops to assist in academic tasks. From...

Is your teen disengaged from high school?

Why alternatives are on the rise to a system that isn’t changing fast enough Our high school system still values “book smarts” while our society thrives on creativity and innovation. Have you heard an adolescent express how useless school is to them? Why adults keep...