Horizon Education Consulting Inc.

Helping parents make informed decisions in educational matters.
How I Help

Does this sound familiar?

I need an educational advocate

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I'm frustrated with my child's school

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I'm feeling pressured by school staff

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I need help with complicated forms

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I would like to study in Canada

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I want to teach in Ontario

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I'm looking for an education expert

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Having someone present with me at my son’s IPRC meeting helped me ask the right questions to obtain the services my son required in order to succeed in school.

Jocelyn Shufelt

New to Ottawa?

Find out about schools in your area based on the educational priorities you have for your child:

  • School choice and location information, school performance ratings
  • School program options (French language education, French Immersion)
  • Private school options and specialized program schools
  • School integration plans
  • Inter-provincial transfers
  • Home-school communication protocols

We can serve clients in English, French, Hungarian, Dutch and German.

What is an Education Consultant?

An education consultant is a professional educator who helps parents and caregivers with challenging choices in educational matters regarding their children.

Monika Ferenczy has a varied background in classroom teaching, and offers a wealth of educational research and experience to her clients. Her services are offered in English and French.

She can help with:

  • Consulting to parents of special needs children to help navigate the school system.
  • Providing information and guidance with IEP and IPRC processes, school choice, program and support requests, transition planning and complaint processes. 
  • Offering standardized academic assessments in English and French from pre-school language development screening to end of high school.
  • Assistance with post-secondary education options and application.
  • Help for new Canadians, international students and domestic relocations.

Ready to get started?

Make informed decisions when it comes to your children's education.

Horizon Education Consulting Inc. is an Ontario-based service, but assists parents across Canada.

Contact me today